Monday, February 9, 2009

kaleidoscope light model

In this exercise, we created an interior space that would function as a night club. In this space we played with lighting to create a pattern and texture on the walls around the space. We placed a large diamond on top of a red transparent tube. We then used an LED light to shine from within the tube projecting through the diamond. We did this same thing with three other small diamonds and blue transparent tubes with tea lights. We varied the heights of all the tubes to see what this effect would have. We discovered that the light shining through the diamonds created a kaleidoscope type pattern along the walls, but mainly the ceiling. The blue and red tubes combine to make a magenta tint along the walls. We folded paper in the corner along the back wall with a tea light placed behind it to help create texture. The colors from the tube mixed with the tea light behind the paper mix to create an orange glow.

group summary for the computer lab

The computer is primarily used for projects that require certain programs, internet, research and as a classroom. The lighting is bright with lots of fluorescent fixture (23). It is a small space considering the traffic flow and the amount of people that need to use the space. It is intimate in the sense that there is so many people in there and you sit so close together. It is public because anyone in the department can enter at anytime. Overall, it is a great space meaning it is convenient. However, the lighting is extremely bright and it is a rather small space considering the amount of students in the department. Since it is such a small space the lights seem even brighter. There is also no natural light which does help on the glare but does limit light.